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Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Falling In Love with Someone We Can't Have

We already know that falling in love with person that we can't have is so miserable. So, i will tell you about it. You must be through and do this:

A Painful Process

To get over someone you love you have to realize that there are no easy answers. No matter how ready you think you are, the fact that you are asking yourself how to get over someone you love, means that it is going to be a painful process. It can be a slow process… You might think you are over someone and a year later being reminded of that person and feel sad again. That does not mean that you’re not overcome the loving person.

If you are emotionally invested in a “supposed” relationship and it ends, it could make you feel sad for years. Maybe even for the rest of your life. But that does not mean the sadness has to make you feel depressed. You can get over your loss and still know that it made you sad. It’s the period of time soon after the loss that will be the hardest to get passed. This is the period where you ask yourself “how to get over someone you love and she does not love you back”.

Removing Reminders

If the break up is a fresh one usually the only way to get over the pain is to face it straight out and let time pass. It is going to hurt, no matter what you do. But there are some things you can do to lessen the pain. Start with removing noticeable visual reminders of the person if possible. Pictures of them can be put away for now. Gifts they gave you can also be put away for now. Avoiding the places you used to go together is a good idea as well. This tip can be found in lists everywhere on how to get over a lost love so it is at least a popular idea that is worth trying.

Living Life after the Breakup

If you are having difficulty living your life after the breakup, it might be a good idea to seek counseling. Simply let the counselor know that you just went through a break up and ask the counselor how to get over someone you love. They can offer you better advice than a generic list about how to get over someone you love. They can also offer better advice than family and friends.

Friends and Family

Your friends and family may feel they know your situation too well. Some of them may even have motives to help you get over the person who does not love you back. They might have not liked the person so they want you to get over them quickly and move on to someone else. With a counselor you can privately tell them things you would not want your friends and family to know.

So i have some tips for you:1

1. Ask yourself what might be in his/her head or his/her heart; it takes two people to be in a relationship and even though you feel the way that you do, maybe it was meant to be this way. Save your love for someone who feels the same way about you!

2. It is strange when you’re hurt from rejection, to hear someone say: move on things will be fine. No matter how much you love her/him, she/he never loves you back. For all those wondering what went wrong, I can say one thing, just stop wondering say it really aloud "SHE/HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU". Only when one stops chasing and pursing someone who doesn't love you, will you open the door to that perfect person who will love you back with the same intensity that you will love him/her.

3. If you believe in destiny then you have know that things happen when they are meant to be. People part for reasons beyond human comprehension but the reality remains if you are meant to love each other and be with each other, it will happen. That's the power of destiny. Love always wins. Love is important and only it counts.

4. Moving on is the best way!

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